
Timothy Sullivan on the Law School Show podcast

Our very own Timothy Sullivan was recently interviewed by David Lu of the Law School Show.

The Law School Show is designed to give law school students and recent grads access to real-world insights and information from practicing lawyers across a wide variety of specialties and roles. Law school can teach you a lot about the law and how it’s supposed to work, but it doesn’t necessarily prepare students for the way the practice of law functions on a day-to-day basis in the real world.

That’s where the Law School Show podcast comes in.

Tim’s podcast focuses mainly on his family and civil law practice in Ottawa, and what it means to be a solo practice or small firm, and it’s a great listen for anyone who’s considering that path after graduation. But once you’ve listened to his podcast, you really should check out the rest of the series, which includes interviews with lawyers who are practicing in all kinds of settings, professors, and other legal thinkers.

You can check out Tim’s podcast here.

You can check out the rest of the Law School Show episodes here.